Cat. & Reference: A mystery
A few days ago, I cataloged a book whose cover read as follows:
Aroostook, ss.
Supreme Judicial Court
September Term
A.D. 1881
Jonathan Ireland vs. David Dudley
writ dated february 7th, 1879
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what the "ss." stands for. I suspect it might be a pluralizatio of "s.", in the same way that "pp." is a pluralizaton of "p.", but I don't know what "s." stands for, in this case. I can find plenty of meanings for "ss" on Wikipedia and in the OED, but none of them makes sense in this case.
Aroostook is a county in Maine, so I Googled other counties to see if the same abbreviation ever followed their names. Sure enough, I found records for "Penobscot, ss.", "Cumberland, ss.", "Kennebec, ss.", etc., mostly from documents pertaining to the State of Maine Superior Courts in those areas. I've also found returns for counties in other states, such as Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Illinois, etc., again mostly on court documents.
I doubt that finding the answer to this puzzle will change my bib record for this book, but I'm dying of curiousity. Can someone please enlighten me as to what "ss." stands for?