Please stand by
Due to technical difficulties (namely, the unexpected demise of my laptop on Monday), there will be no Christmas carols blog post this week. Please stay tuned for further updates.
Due to technical difficulties (namely, the unexpected demise of my laptop on Monday), there will be no Christmas carols blog post this week. Please stay tuned for further updates.
The English word "dozen" means "about twelve" and comes from the French word douzaine, which means the same thing. (If you're talking about things that come in sets of exactly twelve (i.e., eggs) then it's probably fair to say that "dozen" means "exactly twelve." Otherwise, I'd say the meaning is more fluid.)
My apologies for not posting a Christmas carol last week. I recently came back from a week in Quebec and I didn't have time to get anything ready for last week.
This is a very old song, dating from a 14th century German folk carol. Here is the first verse and my literal translation:
In classical grammar, words are divided into two groups: content words and function words.