It doesn't matter if you're left or right
The other day I realized that the biggest factor in whether or not I can be friends with someone isn’t political persuasion, social leanings, religious involvement, hobbies, ethnicity or age. It’s whether or not they can laugh at themselves.
I have trouble finding common ground with serious feminists and dour libertarians, but I have equal, if not more trouble with stern Church members who equate somberness with spirituality and think that I am far too light-minded for my own good and need to tone it down.
I am someone who has a very hard time approaching life with seriousness. I laugh at people. I laugh at organizations. I laugh at events. In fact, the more seriously a person or organization takes itself, the more I want to poke fun at it. (This has led to some problems with law enforcement/security types, who tend to take themselves very seriously.) And the closer I am to someone, the more likely I am to tease them.
Of course, the fact that I tease those whom I care about the most makes being my friend a perilous situation. You’ll have to ask Melyngoch about the time I emailed her a picture of a manatee with a note to the effect that even though she’s really fat (like unto a manatee), I’m still glad we’re friends. (In my defense, there’s a back story that makes it not quite so randomly mean. And she loved the picture and wanted to enlarge it to poster size.)
My saving grace, I suppose, is that I laugh at myself more than anyone, and I expect those whom I tease to tease me back with equal vigor. And with equal venom. (Which is to say, none. Teasing someone in a way that isn’t actually mean and helps them laugh at their problems is a difficult art to master. Better to leave off if you can’t get it right.)
A perceptive friend of mine once said: “I have to laugh, because if I didn’t laugh, I’d cry.” That probably sums up my approach to life better than anything. Life is hard, and I don’t feel like crying all the time, so I’d rather laugh through my tears, and laugh the most at the hardest things in life and with those I care most about, whose pain I am most likely to share.
“We’re not laughing at you, we’re laughing near you.”
Barbara MANATEE (manatee),
You are the ONE FOR ME (one for me).
Sent from UP ABOVE (up above),
You are the ONE I LOVE (one I love).
Or as I like to see, "I'm not making fun of you—I'm making fun with you."
Or as I like to say, "Say."
But me, I'm most certainly laughing at you. Of course, I don't claim to be a nice person.
More importantly, if you can't laught at me, we probably couldn't be friends.
How about this:
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