Christmas carols: All hail to the days
The bad news about this week's selection is that I only found one video of it. The good news is that the recording I found is lovely, so I'm happy to go with it.
This week's carol is "All hail to the days" (or "All hayle to the dayes," depending on how olde you want your spelling to be) and it probably dates from the 16th century.
The version I found is instrumental, so I'll give you the first verse:
All hail to the days That merit more praise
Than all of the rest of the year!
And welcome the nights That double delights
As well for the poor as the peer!
Good fortune attend Each merry man's friend
That doth bat* the best that he may,
For getting old wrongs With carols and songs
To drive the cold winter away.
B. Douvill, 2008: